Academic Directory FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Circle U. Academic Directory?  

The purpose of the Circle U. Academic Directory is to facilitate collaboration between researchers and professors from Circle U. universities. The Academic Directory provides an easy way to find people by searching their research fields and send a direct email to initiate collaboration.   

What do I get by joining the Circle U. Academic Directory?  

Your research activities and outputs will be more visible, especially across the Circle U. community. Colleagues from other universities can find you as an expert in a specific field and potentially propose a research collaboration. By doing so, you also support your university in the Circle U. alliance.   

Why do I need an ORCID profile to get listed in Academic Directory?  

ORCID is becoming a de-facto international standard accepted by most publishers and researchers.   

ORCID provides automatic discovery of scientific publications, which helps researchers have up-to-date profiles. The Academic Directory can easily gather public ORCID data of the Circle U. researchers with no need to add and maintain it separately.   

Why do I need to update my ORCID profile to get listed in Academic Directory?  

The ORCID database Academic Directory must recognize you as a researcher from the Circle U. university.   

How to update my ORCID profile to get listed in Academic Directory?  

  • Sign in to your ORCID profile  
  • In the “Keywords” section add a special tag: CircleU  
  • In the “Employment” section be sure that you have entered the correct name of your university.   
  • In the “Employment details” part keep the “End date” field empty, indicating your present employment status at the university.  

By doing so, you are giving consent that your personal name and research interests be publicly listed and searchable through the Academic Directory.  

Why am I still not listed in Academic Directory even though I have added the “CircleU” tag in my ORCID profile?

Make sure that you have entered the correct name of your university with an empty “End date” field in the “Employment” section.   

What is the “correct name” of my university that is recognized by the Academic Directory?  

The Academic Directory recognizes the following names of the Circle U. universities:  

  • Aarhus University, University in Aarhus, Aarhus Universitet  
  • University of Oslo  
  • University of Belgrade, Univerzitet u Beogradu  
  • King's College London, Kings College London  
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin  
  • UCLouvain, University of Louvain, Catholic University of Louvain, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Université Catholique de Louvain, UCL  
  • Université Paris Cité, University of Paris,Universite de Paris, Université de Paris  
  • Università di Pisa, University of Pisa, Universita di Pisa  
  • Universität Wien, University of Vienna, Universitat Wien   

Why am I still not listed in Academic Directory even though I updated my ORCID profile according to the instructions?   

The Academic Directory gathers the ORCID data once a day (during the night). So, you will be listed the very next day. If you want to speed up this process, sign in directly to your Academic Directory profile and  your ORCID data will be collected immediately.  

How can I sign in to the Academic Directory and change my profile?  

Click on the SIGN IN icon on the top right corner in Academic Directory and use your ORCID identity and password. Basically, this process is redirected to the ORCID service using the standard ORCID sign-in form. 

Click on your name in the top-right corner and choose the first option “View/Edit" my CircleU profile, a new popup opens. Basically, in your Academic Directory profile you can only change your email address (add, edit or delete).

Why don’t I have an email icon next to my name to allow other people to reach me?   

The email icon appears only if you provided your email address to the Academic Directory. To do so, sign in to your Academic Directory profile and add your email.   

Why do I need to add my email address in the Academic Directory profile, since I already have it in my ORCID profile?  

The Academic Directory gathers only public data from your ORCID profile and your email address was   probably entered as private data, so the Academic Directory can not access it. Therefore, if you want people to reach you through the Academic Directory, sign in to your Academic Directory profile and add your email.   

Who can see my email address from my Academic Directory profile?  

The Academic Directory keeps your email address as a private data. Other users and visitors can not see it.  Your email address is only revealed to the recipient of the direct message when you send it through the   Academic Directory, which is the way to establish contact with Circle U. colleagues.  

How can I update my research interests in the Academic Directory?  

Your research interests are copied from the “Keywords” field in your ORCID profile. To update it, sign in to your ORCID profile, add or change keywords that describe your research interests. Your changes will be automatically synchronized with the Academic Directory during the night and will be visible the next day. If you want to speed up this process, sign in directly to your Academic Directory profile and your ORCID data will be collected immediately.  

I want to be listed in Academic Directory, but I don’t want anyone to contact me for a while. What should I do?  

Just sign in to your Academic Directory profile and delete your email address.   

Why must I be signed in the Academic Directory to send an email to the selected person I wish to contact?

It is because you must confirm your identity and the Academic Directory must use your email address in the message sent to the selected Circle U. researcher to allow her/him to reply to you.  

What kind of personal data is collected and who can see it?  

The Academic Directory only gathers public data provided by ORCID public API (name, keywords, employments and email if it’s publicly visible). The email address that you provided in your Academic Directory profile is treated as private data and other users and visitors cannot see it. Your email address is only revealed to the recipient of the direct message when you send it through the Academic Directory, which is the way to establish contact with Circle U. colleagues.   

Who can I contact for further information, questions and support?  

You can send an email to

I don’t want to be listed in the Academic Directory anymore. What should I do to get my data deleted from the Academic Directory?  

You have the right to get your data deleted from Academic Directory at any time. Require this by sending an email to

Published Apr. 24, 2023 9:48 AM - Last modified May 15, 2023 9:07 AM