Connecting our respective academic communities via an online directory

At the end of October, we are launching an online directory where researchers and professors from the Circle U. Alliance who are willing to collaborate or just eager to show their belonging to Circle U. will be presented. With this solution, reaching out to your colleagues from other Circle U. universities will be easy.

How does it work?

The directory relies on public data from ORCID database ( This is a system which is already widely used in the research community worldwide, with an increasing number of users.  In the first phase, only the name, research interests and the home university will be collected and inserted in the Circle U. online directory.

Anyone can search the directory by name, by research interest, or by university. Clicking on a name listed will open an ORCID profile with more information about the selected person, including a bibliography of research papers and other scientific contributions.

In a second phase, the system will be updated with the email addresses and with the ability to send a direct message to the selected person to initiate possible collaborations.

How to get involved?

If you already have an ORCID profile, just ensure it is updated and add a special tag “CircleU.” in the “Keywords” field, not forgetting the dot character. Should you not have an ORCID profile, this is a great opportunity to create one.  It will make your work more visible and allow other people to easily reach you.

Both wide research disciplines and more specific areas of interests are welcome, such as “Astronomy” as a wide discipline, along with specific interest in “Black holes”, “Parallel universes” or “Alien civilisations”.

Please note that by adding the “CircleU.” tag in your ORCID profile, your profile will appear in the directory by the next day and not immediately (the system harvests and updates data during the night).

Is it safe? What about data privacy?

Safety usage and data privacy issues have been carefully considered. Minimal data are shown, and all these data are already marked by ORCID users as public under the Creative Commons Public Domain license, following the ORCID privacy policy. Moreover, giving explicit consent to be involved, users agree to appear in the directory, allowing their names and research interest to be publicly available.

It is important to emphasize that the email addresses will always stay hidden and protected from spam and other misuses.

Where to find it?

The initial version of the directory system will be launched by the end of October and be accessible from the Circle U. website. Update or create your ORCID profile, put a “CircleU.” tag in the “Keywords” field and join us!

The work on the directory has been led by the University of Belgrade as part of WP 7 - Sustainability and Dissemination.

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Published Oct. 4, 2021 12:43 PM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2023 10:21 AM