Curricula ideation workshop: Climate education at Circle U. universities

How can climate education at universities be improved? Join Circle U.'s workshop on 27 June and develop ideas for sustainable curricula!

Are you interested in climate and sustainability topics and would like to see more of these themes integrated into your curricula? Would you like to start, join or support student-led initiatives and interdisciplinary projects? Do you already have ideas on how to educate more people on climate change and mitigation actions? Or would you like to develop ideas with fellow students and teachers across Europe?

Then our ideation workshop on 27 June is for you!

Get involved if you

  • are a student at one of Circle U.'s universities.
  • are a lecturer at one of Circle U.'s universities.
  • are an associated partner of Circle U.
  • would like to become involved as a partner.
Published Apr. 18, 2023 10:45 AM - Last modified May 10, 2024 9:58 AM