WP 1: General Management and Coordination

The objective of Work Package 1 is to establish efficient management and well-functioning quality assurance of Circle U. Erasmus+ and Circle U. ERIA projects.

In order to reach these objectives, we will work on the following building blocks:

Governance building blocks 

  • An efficient governance structure striking the right balance between allowing good coordination and decision-making and avoiding administrative burdens, including a budget framework to ensure enduring Circle U. activities. 
  • A Circle U. quality assurance framework monitoring the construction of the Alliance and providing a joint quality assurance service specifically for learning activities and programmes developed by Circle U., to ensure high quality added value of the collaborative educational initiatives.

University of Oslo and Université Paris Cité co-coordinate WP1

WP1 is jointly coordinated by University of Oslo (for the aspects related to Erasmus+ project), Université Paris Cité (for the aspects related to the SwafS project) and the Secretary General (for the aspects related to the Management Board and transversal development of Circle U.).

King’s College London brings a unique expertise in setting up the quality assurance process (Monitoring, Evaluating and Learning (MEL)) that has been selected for the Alliance.

Published Feb. 8, 2021 11:34 AM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2023 3:31 PM