Erasmus+ WP 4: Student Led Sustainable Innovation

The objectives of Work Package 4 are to increase students’ engagement in innovation approaches to sustainability and to co-develop and implement challenge-based courses and programmes across universities and disciplines.

In order to reach these objectives, we will work on three building blocks: 

  • Develop the concept for Circle U. Challenge where cross-disciplinary teams of students provide solutions to authentic problems provided by associated partners such as cities and hospitals. 
  • Setting up a Female Founder Network where network members motivate more female students to engage in entrepreneurship and innovation. 
  • Implement an online training programme on sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation.

University of Belgrade coordinates WP4

Due to its experience as a bridge between academia and businesses and building on the expertise of its Business Technology Incubator, Center for Technology Transfer and Science Technology Park, the University of Belgrade coordinates this work package.

Published Feb. 8, 2021 11:36 AM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2023 3:32 PM