Work Package 4: Research and Innovation Support

The objective of WP4 is to foster cooperation in research support with a specific focus on inter and transdisciplinarity and the career development of researchers.


  • Community of practice for early career researchers (CU.ecr)
  • Training opportunities for early career researchers
  • Mobility schemes for early career researchers
  • Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP) and sandpits
  • Women in Science group
  • Open Science

WP4 Coordinator

Work Package 4 is coordinated by the University of Vienna.

Research Support Task Force

The Research Support Task Force includes members of the research support services of each CU university. It will work strategically on identifying how to strengthen research links between our universities in the Knowledge Hub areas, in consultation with the Academic Chairs where relevant. This work could result in a shared application to a funding programme promoting ECRs.

More specifically, the task force’s activities include:

  • Sharing and/or ensuring efficient dissemination of research funding opportunities relevant to CU, in particular in the Knowledge Hubs.
  • Providing support to researchers in the preparation of joint CU research applications and mobilising research support services in each university, thereby maximising the chances of success for CU research teams
  • Advising on the implementation of research training in CU where applicable.
Members of the task force
Name University Email address
Ann Kristin Sørli Halvorsen University of Oslo
Pierre Mersch UCLouvain
Stefanie Ubrig University of Vienna 
Stefania Benetton University of Vienna
Jasmina Pešić Jotić University of Belgrade
Martina Calamusa University of Pisa
Giuseppe Barillaro University of Pisa
Clara Coquart Université Paris Cité
Knud Warming Aarhus University
Eleonore Couder UCLouvain
Ravindranath Constantin Somaratne HU Berlin
Published Oct. 25, 2023 1:26 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2024 10:36 AM