Professor Michelangelo Zaccarello

Profile picture of Michelangelo ZaccarelloAfter teaching in Dublin, Oxford and Verona, Michelangelo Zaccarello is professor of Filologia italiana at the University of Pisa and held 2 Fulbright terms at Indiana U. and Northwestern (IL): his main research areas are the textual scholarship of early Italian literary texts, mainly comic verse and short stories (with critical editions of Burchiello, Pulci, Sacchetti), and digital philology. He has spent visiting terms in several European and North-American universities and is now President of ICoN academic consortium ( Of his more than a hundred publications, many appeared outside Italy and Europe. Amongst his recently published books: L’edizione critica del testo letterario (Mondadori 2017), Teoria e forme del testo digitale (Carocci 2019), Leggere senza libri (Cesati 2020).

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Published Jan. 3, 2024 3:09 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2024 3:57 PM