Prof. Sophie Coeuré

Picture of Sophie CoeuréSophie Coeuré is Full Professor of contemporary history at Université  Paris Cité. Her research and teaching interests include Russian-Soviet and European modern History, Communism in a globalized world, displaced cultural proper-ties, and the comparative political and cultural history of archives. Her current research project focuses on dissident movements and the defense of human rights in USSR and the “Eastern bloc” in the 1950-1990s, transnational mobili-zations and information flows. She develops teaching and joint reflection with students on public history, the political uses of history. Full bibliography, keyword Coeuré.

Profile page and contact details

  • Sophie Coeuré
    Professor of contemporary history
    Faculté Sociétés et Humanités
    Université Paris Cité


Published Jan. 18, 2024 3:50 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2024 3:50 PM