Prof. Dr. Ll.M. Angioletta Sperti

Angioletta Sperti is Full Professor of Comparative Public law at the University of Pisa. She graduated cum laude in law at the University of Pisa, holds a PhD cum laude at Scuola S. Anna and an Ll.M. from UCLA (USA).

She is the author of five books: Corti Supreme e conflitti tra poteri (Giappichelli, 2003; La responsabilità del Presidente della Repubblica (Giappichelli, 2010); Omosessualità e diritti (Pisa University Press, 2013); Constitutional Courts, Gay Rights and Sexual Orientation Equality (Hart. 2017); Constitutional Courts, Media and Public Opinion (Hart, 2023). She is the managing editor of GenIUS, a law review focusing on LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality.

Profile page and contact details

  • Angioletta Sperti
    Full Professor of Comparative Public Law
    Department of Law, University of Pisa


Published Feb. 10, 2022 9:19 AM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 1:23 PM