The Circle U. Student Union (CUSU)

Role and responsibilities

CUSU is a democratic body representing the student perspective in Circle U. The Union protects students’ interests and delivers recommendations for the strategic direction of the Circle U. Alliance. CUSU’s main responsibility is to designate student representatives in the Circle U. governing bodies. CUSU will elect two members of the Circle U. General Assembly. The activities led by students appointed in different bodies in Circle U. are coordinated and followed up by the ambassadors.


The Circle U. Student Union (CUSU) consists of two elected student representatives from each member university. The representatives are called Student Ambassadors, and must be elected by a democratic body at their home university. The ambassador should be elected for at least one year if possible. In case of a vacancy, the local student representative body must appoint a new ambassador within one month. Membership is voluntary and decided upon at the local level. 

Procedures and meetings

Circle U. Student Union holds three ordinary meetings per year.  In addition, the ambassadors hold meetings digitally when needed. Physical and online meetings will be organized and communicated as per statutes. 

Published Apr. 21, 2021 2:36 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2021 2:29 PM